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Highlights of the week:

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Graduate Opportunities

Internship Opportunities

Career Activities

Consultation Booking

For more career opportunities from various industries, please access Career Axis.


Dear Students,


As 2021 comes to a close, it is once again time to set some new year’s resolutions. 2022 can be a fresh start for all with a new set of goals, and perhaps for some of you – one of the key goals to achieve this year is to secure and embark on a new internship!


Starting out on a new internship/job can indeed be nerve-racking and filled with uncertainty. However, it would not be all that daunting if you set clear goals, keep a positive attitude and plan how to achieve these goals instead of diving headfirst into it without any preparation.


Here are 3 tips to keep in mind as you start an internship:


Walking In Season 2 GIF by Friends


#1 Know what you want to achieve from the internship

Think about the main goals you would like to achieve. Do you want to acquire particular skillsets, experiences, or professional connections? Setting these goals can provide you with both motivation and purpose to actively work towards them throughout your internship.

Excited Season 2 GIF by The Office


#2 Network & establish strong relationship(s)

Forging new connections or seeking out a mentor at the workplace might just do the trick to help guide you through your internship. By fostering positive workplace relationships, it promotes effective communication, stronger teamwork and helps build your confidence on-the-job as well.


Excited Season 1 GIF by The Office


#3 Showcase your work ethics

Keep a positive attitude towards your work. Show the organisation your willingness to learn and apply your learnings. Consistently demonstrating good work ethics will surely leave a good impression on your employers and land you in an advantageous position to be considered for a full-time position in the future.


Bearing these 3 points in mind, one of our recent graduates, Leonard, was able to convert his Professional Internship (PI) to a full-time position. He is currently working with Dornier MedTech (wholly owned by Advanced MedTech) as an IT Analyst after completing his internship with the company last June. Read on as he shares some of his internship experience!


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Leonard Tan (July 2021 Graduate)

Physics & Applied Physics (2021)

IT Analyst at Advanced MedTech Corporate Pte. Ltd.


Question free iconTell us about your internship at Dornier MedTech.


My Internship at Dornier MedTech has been a fun and interesting experience. I have learnt quite a lot on-the-job and contributed to the company through mini projects, such as chatbots and small automations. I was exposed to how it is like to be in a corporate company and had opportunities to constantly apply my computing skills to fit the demands of certain tasks.  


Question free iconWhat made you choose this organisation and role for your PI?


Dornier MedTech is a medical device company and with my concentration in biophysics, I had hoped to learn more about their urological devices while contributing to the company.  My internship as an IT Intern allowed me to learn how an IT department works in a global company.


Question free iconWhat do you think helped you to convert your PI into a full-time offer with the organisation?


I believed that my willingness to learn and my fast learning helped me to quickly pick things up and contribute to multiple different departments. Additionally, my mentor played an important role in helping me learn quickly. He provided guidance on difficult problems which I could not solve at the time and also gave me a bigger picture of what to expect. 


Question free iconShare your advice for Applied Physics/NTU students keen on your role.


To secure this role, my advice would be to focus on algorithms and computing. Learning computing and understanding machine logic is important to contribute. You can try to learn other computing languages besides python (C++, java etc.) that would enhance your resume and help you in the future. 


Question free iconShare your advice for NTU students keen to converting their PI into a full-time offer.


Work hard and demonstrate that you can handle the work. This is obviously not easy. I believe that by remaining diligent and showing your efforts, you will be given opportunities to showcase your potential as a full-time employee.  



Remember: As an intern, the best thing you can do is to learn and gain exposure to new things that will be useful for your future endeavours. If you would like to find out more about internships in a particular industry or prepare for an interview, feel free to arrange a session with our career consultants below.


Here’s wishing everyone a happy new year, cheers! 🥂




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Ivan Choong

Senior Assistant Director


Engineering | Information & Communications Technology |

Logistics & Transportation | Manufacturing

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Annabelle Yong

Banking & Finance | Fintech | Insurance | Maritime & Shipping |
Non-Profit | Public Service

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Eric Yeo


Chemicals | Commodities &
Natural Resources | Energy |
Information & Communications Technology | Oil & Gas

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Melissa Ng

Consumer Business &

eCommerce |
Media & Marketing

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Rachel SeeToh rachelseetoh@ntu.edu.sg

Accounting & Audit |
Hospitality & MICE |
Management & HR Consulting | Professional Services

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Wilson Huang

Biomedical Sciences | Building
& Construction | Healthcare |
Water & Environment



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Career & Attachment Office
Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.30pm

Friday 8.30am – 5pm

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays



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