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Highlights of the week:

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Graduate Opportunities

Internship Opportunities

Career Activities

Consultation Booking

For more career opportunities from various industries, please access Career Axis.


Dear Students,


The long-awaited holidays are here! These questions may come to mind: “What shall I do this holiday? Shall I rest, relax and rejuvenate or seize this opportunity to plan my life?”


While it is easy to chill out during this time or simply rest on your laurels, consider utilising this holiday to set yourself up for grander things and give yourself that much desired head-start!


To do this effectively, first begin with 3 thought-provoking introspective questions:


1.   How am I motivated – extrinsically or intrinsically?

Psychologically, extrinsic (external) motivation is manifested from behaviour driven by external incentives. This could be the expectation of punishment (e.g., being judged by others) or reward (e.g., receiving praise or recognition). Meanwhile, intrinsic (internal) motivation is derived from enjoyment within the activity itself (e.g., genuine interest). Hence, extrinsic motivation can support you in learning while capitalising on intrinsic motivation helps you persevere and be resilient in achieving your goals and dreams. Learn to empower yourself by harnessing both types of motivation!


2.   How am I using my time and resources?

With our goals, intentionally spend time and resources on educational activities. For example, join informative seminars to gain new insights or go on internships to get work experiences. Adequately plan what to do before graduation. December is an excellent time to reflect on your year’s work and gear up for 2022.


3.   How is it really like out there?

We have different perceptions of our ideal jobs. Seek out chances to discover if your thoughts and expectations are true reflections of reality. Network with industry experts and apply for internships. Such experiences enable you to be more familiar with corporate environments and deepen your understanding of the company culture and industry practices.


After figuring out the “hows”, follow through with these 3 key actions:


1.  Enhance Your Resume and Prepare for Interviews

List internships or jobs aligned to your career interests. Speak to your Career Coach for advice if unsure. Be prepared for specific interviews and acquire methods on how to stand out. Research on companies and relate with relevant professionals. For in-depth industry insights, connect with Career Consultants for guidance.


2.  Engage in Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

Join a student club where its purpose is aligned to yours. Running for committee positions will push you beyond your comfort zone to assume responsibilities for corporate world readiness, manage different stakeholders and communicate your ideas effectively. Your resume will ultimately also be much more substantial and well sought after by companies dedicated to grooming future leaders.


3.  Participate in Career Activities

Career & Attachment Office offers an array of programmes lined up regularly for NTU students. From career fairs, industry sharing sessions, online mentoring opportunities, job shadowing, company visits to job and internship opportunities listed on Career Axis and InPlace portals, you are sure to discover career resources suited to your needs and boost your employability. Stay tuned to this Weekly Career Digest and bookmark CAO Intranet (for Students) to keep abreast of upcoming activities!


Here’s leaving you with a quote from John C. Maxwell, a leadership expert, speaker and author. Invest some time this holiday season to strive harder for your goals. Wishing all of you a fulfilling and meaningful vacation! Merry Christmas! Holiday tree with solid fill


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This week’s e-blast is prepared by:


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Annabelle Yong annabelle.yong@ntu.edu.sg

Banking & Finance | Fintech | Insurance |

Maritime & Shipping | Non-Profit | Public Service

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Ivan Choong

(Senior Assistant Director)


Engineering | Information & Communications Technology |

Logistics & Transportation | Manufacturing

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Annabelle Yong

Banking & Finance | Fintech | Insurance | Maritime & Shipping |
Non-Profit | Public Service

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Eric Yeo


Chemicals | Commodities &
Natural Resources | Energy |
Information & Communications Technology | Oil & Gas

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Melissa Ng

Consumer Business &

eCommerce |
Media & Marketing

A person with long hair

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Rachel SeeToh rachelseetoh@ntu.edu.sg

Accounting & Audit |
Hospitality & MICE |
Management & HR Consulting | Professional Services

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Wilson Huang

Biomedical Sciences | Building
& Construction | Healthcare |
Water & Environment


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Fret not, click

Career & Attachment Office
Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.30pm

Friday 8.30am – 5pm

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays



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Towards a sustainable earth: Print only when necessary. Thank you.