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Highlights of the week:

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Graduate Opportunities

Internship Opportunities

Career Activities

Consultation Booking

For more career opportunities from various industries, please access Career Axis.


Dear Students


Happy Deepavali! Time flies and we are closing in to the end of the semester. For those who have actively participated in Tech-Banking Recruitment Forum and the line-up of Masterclasses organised, I hope you have gained more insights on the industry, spotted potential job opportunities and followed through with resume submissions!


Next, thanks to the strong show of support from one and all, CAO has also successfully ran and concluded the B&F Breakthrough Series yesterday! This series of five webinars in October and November were specially curated for NTU talents, helping attendees gain insights and confidence through sharing by industry experts, equipping students with tips and know-how to advance into the Banking & Finance as well as Fintech industries.


Some popular questions raised during the sessions include:

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That one burning question (and especially for those in non-STEM disciplines) would be:

“How exactly do we breakthrough into this space?”


And here’s my personal recommendation – Read, Connect and Take Action



Read, read and read! Leverage on the resources readily available to you (such as Financial Times via NTU Online Library). Develop your growth mindset. Through podcasts, webinars, events and forums, these would also allow you to better understand industry expectations and your own aspirations and motivation.



By attending events like the B&F Breakthrough Series mentioned earlier, you may connect with cutting edge leaders, experts and practitioners in the industry via LinkedIn! Start building your network and learning will not need to stop this way, as you remain up-to-speed with their sharing on that space.  


B&F Breakthrough Series Webinar

Distinguished Industry Speaker

Breaking into Investment Banking

Mr Ian Loh

Understanding Blockchain & used cases for business and financial services industry

Mr Maurício Magaldi

Understanding Fintech Trends in Southeast Asia

Mr Eugene Liang

Breaking into Fintech – Payments

Mr Carney Mak

Understanding Metaverse and NFTs

Ms Christina Yip



How about I get you started? Check out The Fintech Festival, which is a fantastic place to pique your curiosity. At “The Green Shoots Series 2020 – 2021”, watch past webinars on a wide array of topics such as Green Finance, FinTech, Digital Currency, Sustainable Finance and more! By broadening your perspectives and appreciating the various areas better, you can make informed decisions when applying for internships and jobs as you journey towards a career in the industry.


Open envelope with solid fill Invitation: Receive JOBs & INTERNSHIPs, and more resources about the banking and finance sector, by joining the Breaking into B&F” NTU Banking and Finance teams group or utilising finance specific job portal eFinancialCareers. 

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This week’s e-blast is prepared by:


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Jason Han jason.han@ntu.edu.sg

Banking & Finance | Fintech | Insurance

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Annabelle Yong

Maritime & Shipping |
Non-Profit | Public Service

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Eric Yeo


Chemicals | Commodities &
Natural Resources | Energy |
Information & Communications Technology | Oil & Gas

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Leo Tan


Engineering | Information & Communications Technology |

Logistics & Transportation | Manufacturing

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Melissa Ng

Consumer Business &

eCommerce |
Media & Marketing

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Rachel SeeToh rachelseetoh@ntu.edu.sg

Accounting & Audit |
Hospitality & MICE |
Management & HR Consulting | Professional Services

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Wilson Huang

Biomedical Sciences | Building
& Construction | Healthcare |
Water & Environment


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Fret not, click

Career & Attachment Office
Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.30pm

Friday 8.30am – 5pm

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays



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CONFIDENTIALITY: This email is intended solely for the person(s) named and may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it, notify us and do not copy, use, or disclose its contents.
Towards a sustainable earth: Print only when necessary. Thank you.