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Academic Integrity
The University is committed to maintaining integrity and
honesty in all academic activities of the University community.
Academic integrity is described as the avoidance of
plagiarism and academic fraud. All members of the NTU
community, including non-graduating students, are
responsible for upholding the values of academic integrity in
all academic undertakings.
By avoiding plagiarism and academic fraud, students
demonstrate a greater level of sophistication in their work to
their professors. Properly citing references, quoting correctly,
and using secondary material in a scholarly way, makes
visible how much extra work they have done, and it also
shows their ability to evaluate evidence and to use evidence
to support their work. Simply cutting and pasting, or copying
from another source, without any referencing or quotation
marks, makes it look as if students have not used any other
Academic work at university is about building new knowledge
on already existing knowledge, and students, by clearly
showing that they have used other sources in their work to
build on, are demonstrating how well they have learnt good
academic practice.
The principles of academic integrity are shared by students
and faculty alike. They apply just as much to faculty
undertaking research, as to students undertaking a degree
What Students Can Do to Learn More
Academic Integrity at NTU
NTU takes academic integrity seriously. Academic
misconduct is regarded as a very serious offence by the
University. It is considered as an instance of violation of the
NTU Honour Code which could warrant disciplinary actions
ranging from failing the assignment, failing the course,
suspension and to expulsion from the University.
NTU Honour Code currently defines ‘plagiarism’ as ‘to use or
pass off as one’s own, writings or ideas of another, without
acknowledging or crediting the source from which the ideas
are taken’. This includes:
• The use of words, images, diagrams, graphs or ideas
derived from books, journals, magazines, visual media, and
the internet without proper acknowledgement;
• Copying of work from the internet or any other sources and
presenting as one’s own; and
• Submitting the same piece of work for different courses or
to different journals and publications.
Academic Fraud
Academic fraud is a form of academic dishonesty involving
cheating, lying and stealing. This includes:
• Cheating - Bringing or having access to unauthorised
books or materials during an examination or assessment,
or in any work to be used by the lecturer, tutor, instructor or
examiner as a basis of grading.
• Collusion - Copying the work of another student, having
another person write one’s assignments, or allowing
another student to borrow one’s work.
• Falsification of Data – Fabrication or alteration of data to
mislead such as changing data to get better experiment
• False Citation – Citing a source that was never utilised or
attributing work to a source from which the referenced
material was not obtained.
Facilitating Academic Dishonesty
This includes allowing another student to copy an assignment
that is supposed to be done individually, allowing another
student to copy answers during an examination/assessment
and taking an examination/assessment or doing an
assignment for another student.
Through this
website, students can find more details about what
academic integrity refers to, and how to practise and
maintain it.
Do the Academic Integrity Module
(applicable only to
freshmen admitted in AY2011-12). Students are required to
complete the academic Integrity Online Module which
includes reading the information provided online and doing
an online quiz.
Use Turnitin.
Turnitin is a “text-matching” software.
Students can submit their assignments to Turnitin if their
lecturers have created it as a Turnitin assignment and it will
show them exactly where their work matches that of other
students and where it matches published work. From this,
professors can see whether they have made proper
acknowledgement of the work of others. Turnitin is a useful
tool for students to learn and to help them maintain
academic integrity.