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  Conduct and Discipline  
  Copyright and you | Honour code | Disciplinary processes  

Disciplinary Processes

The University’s Regulation on “Discipline” applies to every student from the time of his admission as a candidate for any programme of the University until he completes the programme or withdraws from the programme.

A student in breach of the Regulations of the University, or who has been convicted of a crime, or whose conduct is prejudicial to the good name of the University or whose conduct is unworthy of a student of the University, may be required to appear before the Board of Discipline.

The Board of Discipline may, if it finds a student guilty of a disciplinary offence, do one or more of the following things:

  • expel or suspend the student from the University or deprive him or her of his or her status as a matriculated or registered student.
  • impose a fine not exceeding $10,000
  • deprive the student of a pass in the whole or part of any examination.