Research Projects

Most of my research involves interdisciplinary projects with other Universities and research institutes. The main theme of my research is investigation of order and disorder in the structure of biological systems. The disorder can be inherent within a material, or can be an effect of ageing, or post mortem environmental effects. Although the systems that I investigate are hierarchical, the organisation at the level of nanostructures is often key to the performance of mesoscopic and macroscopic structures.
The three dimensional structure of collagen;
A long term goal of my research has been determining the molecular packing of this medically important structural assembly. In 2002 we made a significant breakthrough in the structure determination of collagen packing that showed the complex relationship of order and disorder within a collagen fibril (BBSRC funded).
Biomechanical properties of collagen.
This involves the study of the biomechanical properties of composites such as skin, tendon and vasculature at the molecular level. This involves the analysis of X-ray diffraction data combined with stress or creep in prestrained tissues (University studentship funded and EU 5th framework Ageing ECM project).
Fibrillin elastic properties.
With Prof. C. Kielty (Univ. Manchester). Fibrillin is an elastic protein associated with elastin, the structure function is poorly understood. We are using X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic studies in order to understand the structural basis of the elastic behaviour (BBSRC funded).
Analysis of historic parchment.
With Drs K. Nielsen and Rene Larsen (School of Conservation, Copenhagen, Denmark).
I have been involved in the analysis of the deterioration of historic parchments and also the simulation of the ageing process by induced oxidative damage (EU 5th framework and Nat. Archive for Scotland).
Mineralisation, development and diagenesis of bone structures.
With Dr. M. Collins and Prof. A.M. Pollard (Universities of York and Oxford).
The process of mineralisation is poorly understood, with the initial deposition and the method of crystal growth still hotly disputed. I have investigated the size and shape of the crystallites by the technique of small angle scattering at synchrotron sources.
Manipulation of interfibrillar interactions in collagen based tissues.
The project is the focal point of BIODERMIS a start up company that aims to exploit ‘know how’ in order to
change the arrangement of collagen fibrillar structures within a tissue, this is the possible basis for tissue remodelling at the mesoscopic/nanoscopic level.
Ultraviolet irradiation of collagen –chitosan complexes.
With Dr. A. Sionkowska (Univ. Torun, Poland). This project investigates UV irradiation as an environmental effect on important biomaterials. (NATO funded).

Teaching and administration

Administration within the School
Chair of the Third Mission Group.
Member of the School Promotions Panel.
Deputy Chair of School Research Committee.
Mentor of lecturers Knupp and Rozanowska.

Administration within the University.
Member of the CITER industrial liaison committee.
Member of Senate.

Administration at National level
Member of the steering committee of the Collaborative Computing Project 13 (CCP13) involved with co-ordination of British non crystalline diffraction research groups.
Member of the working group for programme development.
Chairman of the beam time allocation committee representing the BBSRC for beam time allocations at the Daresbury Synchrotron.
Chairman of the working party for design of beamline 11 for the new synchrotron source DIAMOND that is due to be commissioned in 2006/7.
Joint Chairman of the Non crystalline research group Daresbury.

Administration at International level
Member of the Biology and Material science selection panel for beamtime at ESRF the European synchrotron.