1. "Rule of Thumb" Method This method is simple to understand and use. However, it only provides a rough guideline on the estimation of cooling load requirement for the conventional window or split air-conditioning system. 2. Procedures The procedures are as follows: a) Determine the function of the room (assuming there is no over-crowding of occupants and / or heat generating equipments). b) Measure the floor area (A) of the room in either in square feet or square meter (a standard height of about 8.5 feet or 2.65 meter between the floor and false ceiling shall be assumed for the room). c) Depending on whether you are using the imperial ( square feet ) or metric ( square meter ) system of measurement, decide on which Factor (F) to use from either Table X or Table Y as shown below: Table X ( Using Imperial system of measurement )
Table Y ( Using Metric system of measurement )
d) Multiply (A) by (F) to get the estimated air-conditioning cooling load requirement. 3. Worked Example For example 1 - Using imperial system of measurement: Assume that the room is to be occupied, used with some small heat generating equipments and is not exposed to strong solar heat. Assume that the measured floor area (A) is about 200 square feet. As can be seen from the factor (F) of Table X, the factor ranges from 60 to 70. Assume that the factor of 60 Btu / Hr per square feet is selected by the user. Therefore, the estimated air-conditioning cooling load requirement works out to be about: = (A) x (F) = 200 x 60 = 12,000 Btu / Hr
For example 2 - Using metric system of measurement: Assume that the room is to be occupied, used with some small heat generating equipments and is not exposed to strong solar heat. Assume that the measured floor area (A) is about 18.58 square metre. As can be seen from the factor (F) of Table Y, the factor ranges from 645.83 to 753.47. Assume that the factor of 645.83 Btu / Hr per square metre is selected by the user. Therefore, the estimated air-conditioning cooling load requirement works out to be about: = (A) x (F) = 18.58 X 645.83 = 12,000 Btu / Hr ( Do Your quick calculation Online ! )
Disclaimer Please be informed that the above information and data pertaining to the estimation of air-conditioning cooling load requirement serve as rough guidelines for general information purpose only. A detailed estimation of the heat load based on an accurate survey of the space to be air-conditioned must follow. By making such information and data available, the WITS Team "Harmony" (hereafter called the "Providers") are not giving or purporting to give or representing or holding themselves out as giving professional advice. The onus rests entirely with the User(s) or anyone else to seek relevant professional advice before making any such decision leading to the purchase of an air-conditioning system. While effort has been made to obtain information and data from sources believed to be reliable, the Providers cannot and do not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of such information and data. The Providers and its affiliates will accept no liability or responsibility for any loss suffered or inconvenience experienced by the User(s) or anyone else arising out of the use of or reliance on such information and data. By making use of such information and data, the User(s) or anyone else shall be deemed to have indemnified the Providers and its affiliates against such liability or responsibility. |